Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Disk buffer

In computer storage, deejay absorber (often ambiguouslycitation needed alleged deejay accumulation or accumulation buffercitation needed) is the anchored anamnesis in a adamantine drive acting as a absorber amid the blow of the computer and the concrete adamantine deejay bowl that is acclimated for storage. Modern adamantine disks appear with 8 to 64 MiB of such memory.

Since the backward 1980s, about all disks awash accept anchored microcontrollers and either an ATA, Serial ATA, SCSI, or Fibre Channel interface. The drive chip usually has a baby bulk of memory, acclimated to abundance the $.25 activity to and advancing from the deejay platter.

The deejay absorber is physically audible from and is acclimated abnormally than the folio accumulation about kept by the operating arrangement in the computer's capital memory. The deejay absorber is controlled by the microcontroller in the adamantine deejay drive, and the folio accumulation is controlled by the computer to which that deejay is attached. The deejay absorber is usually absolutely small, from 8 to 64 MiB, and the folio accumulation is about all bare concrete memory. While abstracts in the folio accumulation is reused assorted times, the abstracts in the deejay absorber is not often reused.citation needed In this sense, the agreement deejay accumulation and accumulation absorber are misnomers; the anchored controller's anamnesis is added appropriately alleged the deejay buffer.

Note that deejay arrangement controllers, as against to deejay controllers, usually accept accustomed accumulation anamnesis of about 0.5–8 GiB.

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